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Invest in Extremadura present at the Govtech Impact G4I World Congress in Madrid
24 五月 2024
Invest in Extremadura participated on May 21 and 22 in the G4I World Congress organized in Madrid. The main objective of this congress was to provide a space where visionary leaders, government officials and innovators from around the world could come together to address the most critical challenges facing governments.
In this regard, the congress sought to facilitate the safe streamlining of government processes, increase efficiency, reduce costs, and promote meaningful citizen participation.
The keys to success in GovTech include creating synergies, transparency in processes, supporting startups, investing in training, regulatory compliance, and data protection. In addition, the technology ecosystem needs to be empowered, which includes vendors, incentives, and a stronger platform.
In summary, the need to promote innovation, make public procurement processes more flexible, empower startups, and adapt to a constantly evolving technological environment to improve public services and respond effectively to the needs of society and the administration is emphasized.