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The construction of the CIIAE has already begun with an investment of €25.5 million

12 Ago 2024

Construction work on the Iberian Centre for Research in Energy Storage (CIIAE) complex, in which 25.5 million euros will be invested, began last week after the approval of the building permit by the Cáceres City Council last July.

The works, which will be built on the El Cuartillo estate, are aimed at the urbanization of the plot and the construction of a main building, pilot plant and high-tech incubator for companies.

The estimated construction schedule foresees that the construction of the pilot plant will be completed by mid-2025, while the works on the business incubator and the main building are expected to be completed a year later, in mid-2026.

At the same time, CIIAE researchers are developing different lines of work in the provisional facilities of the Polytechnic School of Cáceres, provided by the UEX, where they have been since 2022, awaiting the reception of the new scientific complex.

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