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One more step for the diamond factory project in Extremadura Extremadura is ready to compete in the green and digital revolution of the XXI century

27 syys 2022

The first steps of this initiative took place in June 2021 with the signing in Mérida of a protocol between the Government of Extremadura and the CEO of Diamond Foundry, Martin Roscheisen. In November the earthwork will begin, in the first quarter of the next year, the works will begin and finally it will become a true industrial reference for Extremadura.

The initial forecast of this project involves an investment of 670 million euros and the creation of 300 direct jobs. The Trujillo artificial diamond factory, the first that the Diamond Foundry company locates outside the United States, will produce components that will be used mainly in the automotive sector. The plant of the municipality of Cáceres will apply the diamond in the manufacture of semiconductors, a technology that increases its demand worldwide with applications in 5G communication networks and in the electric vehicle industry.

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