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Envision begins the procedures to build its gigafactory in Extremadura Its aim is to make the region the centre of its activities in Europe.

07 Nov 2022

The Official Journal of Extremadura published on November 2 the announcement for public information of the application for integrated environmental authorization and the environmental impact study of the lithium-ion battery gigafactory to be built in Navalmoral de la Mata (Cáceres). The facility will initially occupy more than one million square meters and will have a battery generation capacity of 94.4 GWh per year.

The Regional Administration is committed to Envision to expedite as much as possible all the administrative procedures that the project has to go through for its operational implementation within the established deadlines. The next step in this process will be the environmental impact statement.

On the other hand, the Government of Spain and the Extremadura Government are exploring, in coordination, the different existing financing mechanisms so that the project obtains the maximum public aid to which it aspires.

This project with an investment of 2,500 million euros and that, at full speed, will create 3,000 direct jobs and 12,000 indirect jobs, will take a decisive step in the industrial development of Extremadura and contribute crucially in the transition of Spain towards an economy free of greenhouse gas emissions.

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