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IBERICA SUGAR confirms the sugar factory project in Mérida. The company has obtained the necessary financing to start the construction works

23 Nov 2022

The company Iberica Sugar Company has expressed its commitment to continue with the construction project of the sugar industry projected in the industrial and logistics park Expacio-Mérida, after having obtained state financing amounting to 120 million euros and continue to have the positive environmental impact statement by the Extremadura Government.

The project includes the development of a beet sugar processing and marketing plant in an area of almost 600,000 thousand square meters, with an estimated investment of 500 million euros. The initiative will create more than 300 direct jobs and more than 4,000 indirect jobs, 1,045 in transport and almost 3,000 in agriculture. It will have the capacity to process 36,000 tons of beet per day, an amount that will allow it to meet the Spanish demand for sugar by 60%.

The Spanish-Jordanian businessman and promoter, Ahmad Al-Hatif, has recognized the work of the Extremadura Government to make the project a reality in the regional capital. The works could begin before April 2023.


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