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Red Eléctrica promotes six new substations in Extremadura, essential for new industrial projects

08 Jul 2024

Red Eléctrica, the Redeia subsidiary in charge of the transmission and operation of the electricity system in Spain, has completed and is advancing the processing of six new 400 kV substations in Fuentes de Cantos, Maguilla, Quintana de la Serena, Fuente del Maestre and Don Álvaro in the province of Badajoz and that of Zarzón in the province of Cáceres.

All of them are essential for new industrial projects, to supply new railway axes in the region and for the promotion of the ecological transition of Extremadura through the integration of energy from new renewable projects.

Overall, Red Eléctrica's investments in Extremadura will contribute to the development of the high-speed line that will connect Madrid with Lisbon and the one that will connect Mérida with the Ciudad Real town of Puertollano and other cities in Castilla La Mancha.

In total, in the coming years, Red Eléctrica will invest more than 200 million euros in strengthening Extremadura's transmission network with the aim of boosting its economy and its ecological transition, as well as advancing sustainable mobility, territorial cohesion and equal opportunities with the electrification of rail transport.

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