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Extremadura has a high potential to develop green hydrogen projects

20 六月 2024

There are 5 projects that are already evolving in the region

Extremadura is chosen to start up plants linked to the generation of clean energy, such as the one that promotes renewable hydrogen. According to the Spanish Hydrogen Association, there are already five projects planned to expand in the region that cover the entire value chain, from production to application in sectors such as energy, industry and mobility.

  1. La Holgada, promoted by Ansasol in La Zarza, Badajoz.
  2. Raviza (DH2 Energy) in Badajoz.
  3. Vector H Extremadura in Badajoz.
  4. Kaminoan (Fotowatio Renewable Ventures) in Mérida, Badajoz.
  5. Abey Energy in Almendralejo, Badajoz.

The total estimated investment amounts to €21,000 million, of which 72% is for hydrogen production, 14% for distribution and 14% for projects with multiple applications. The goal is for greenhouse gas emissions during production to be practically zero.

Thanks to Decree Law 1/2023, which declares the production of hydrogen from electrical energy from isolated renewable energy generation facilities in Extremadura to be of general interest, the procedures are simplified to speed up permits and aid that facilitate the installation of new projects.

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