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Chinese companies see great potential for the manufacture of electric vehicles in Extremadura

28 六月 2024

These are 6 key factors that make Extremadura an attractive partner to invest in this sector

Extremadura is interesting for China in the context of electric vehicles (EVCs) for several strategic and economic reasons. The following are the factors that make Extremadura an attractive region for China in this sector:

1. Natural Resources and Raw Materials: Mineral resources (lithium, nickel). It has more than 25% of the reservoir water in Spain.

2. Government Support and Policies: Regional Initiatives and International Collaborations. Higher aid intensity in Spain. Business Projects of Regional Interest (PREMIA).

3. Renewable Energies: Solar and wind potential, green energy projects. Thanks to its more than 3,000 hours of sunshine per year, it is the leading community in electricity production with solar photovoltaics.

4. Geographical Position and Connectivity: Direct access to the European market, infrastructure and transport. More than 800 hectares of industrial land developed in Expacio Mérida, Expacio Navalmoral, Southwest European Logistics Platform. It has the lowest cost of agricultural land in Spain.

5. Economic Development and Employment Opportunities: Low-turnover and widely trained human talent. It has the most competitive labour cost in Spain and the developed economies of the European Union.

6. Collaboration in Innovation and Technology: CIIAE (Iberian Centre for Research in Energy Storage). CYCYTEX (Center for Scientific and Technological Research of Extremadura), Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Center.

In summary, Extremadura is interesting for China in the context of electric vehicles due to its natural resources, favorable policies, potential in renewable energies, strategic geographical position, and opportunities for economic and technological development. These factors make the region an attractive partner for Chinese companies looking to expand their influence and operations in Europe.

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